How to Get Rid of Dry Skin

how to get rid of dry skin

How To Get Rid of Dry Skin

There’s nothing quite as unsightly as rough, dry, irritated skin. Dry skin can cause itching, redness, and peeling, as well as a great deal of discomfort for the sufferer. With summer right around the corner, and temps rising by the day, it’s only a matter of time before we replace our jeans with cutoffs, and swap our sweaters for sundresses. And while we can’t speak for everyone, it seems pretty safe to assume most would want to show off a silky smooth body, rather than dry skin that’s dull and cracked.

What causes dry skin?

Dry skin can result from a number of different factors, like hygiene habits, diet, and especially your environment. The following are just some of the common causes of dry skin:

●     Harsh chemicals in everyday products

Everything from your body wash to your laundry detergent contain chemicals that can draw the natural moisture out of your skin. You likely don’t even realize it, but when used for any length of time, these products will leave your skin perfectly parched.

When the cleansing is done with harsh soaps and detergents that strip away the skin's natural oils it becomes dry and stiff.

how to get rid of dry skin

●     Some acne medications can cause dry skin

Many medications prescribed to combat acne do so by drying the skin out. Acne remedies like retinol work to speed up cell turnover by accelerating dryness, sloughing off the top layer to reveal a new layer of younger, healthier looking skin. Most of these medications also intensify your skin’s sensitivity to sun, so it’s crucial that you incorporate a high-strength SPF into your daily routine.

●     Showering with hot water dries out your skin

What’s more relaxing after a long day than a hot shower or bath? Tempting as it may be to turn the temperature up, if you’re battling dry skin, the experts advise against it. Hot water leaves the skin feeling parched, and ready for a great gulp of hydration. Instead, wash with warm water, and finish off your shower routine with a quick rinse in cool water, if you can tolerate it.

●     Dry indoor air will cause dry skin

Have you ever noticed your skin seems extra dry during the winter months? That’s because although there’s rain and snow causing dampness outside, most people are sealed up indoors with their radiator running on full blast. The dry air that accumulates counteracts any humidity, resulting in dry, itchy and irritated skin that can worsen with time. If you happen to live where the winters are harsh, try using a humidifier in your home to maximize moisture retention in your skin and hair.

●     Harsh weather can evaporate the moisture in your skin

First and foremost can literally “blame it on the weather”. During the winter months, the humidity levels drop. Just like the desert, the dry conditions evaporate the water in your skin. causing it to feel tight and cracking. That flakey dryness then interacts with harsh clothing fabrics like wool, and the itching begins. 

 But, how can we overcome the weather? We can’t- but we can help protect our skin by wearing protective gear and applying rich moisturizing lotions. Try using a rich moisturizer before putting on gloves, the warm environment will create a mini sauna for your hands to lock in moisture.

●     Aging and genetics are a factor when it comes to skin

Aging can be accompanied by a whole host of unwanted changes, including noticeable differences in your skin’s sebum production. This breakdown of the body’s natural oils leads to increased dryness and redness of the skin. To combat this issue, we advise moisturizing both morning and evening, as well as the afternoon if necessary. Look for ingredients like hyaluronic acid, which is proven to lock in moisture beneath the skin’s barrier.

●     Not drinking enough water

There is yet another reason why we all need to drink more water. Despite the fact that being dehydrated relates to a plethora of other internal health problems, it also shows on the outside. According to WebMd, Dehydration prevents your body from eliminating toxins through your skin, which in turn makes skin more susceptible to problems, such as dry skin, eczema, psoriasis, discoloration, and even premature aging.

 The solution is clearly to drink more water, but also to spread it throughout the day to make sure your skin is hydrated. This will create the natural moisture required to prevent itchy chapped skin.

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How to soothe dry skin at home

Prevent the problem before it starts

If healthy, balanced skin is what you desire, you can defeat dry skin by stopping it before it even starts. There are steps that you can take in the home, as well as during your regularly scheduled skin care routine, that will keep your skin glowing from the inside out. Below are just a handful of expert recommendations we can get behind.

1.    Use a humidifier in the room where you spend the most time to ensure the air in your home never gets too dry.

2.    Incorporate more healthy fats into your diet where possible, such as nuts, salmon, and avocado.

3.    Exfoliate regularly as part of your routine to remove old, dead skin cells that are causing dryness and dullness.

4.    Defend your skin with antioxidants such as Vitamins B, C, and E.

5.    Be sure your cleanser is gentle and mild enough for your skin type. The Moody Sisters Green Tea Face Wash is an excellent option for stabilizing your skin’s oil production, and ensuring proper balance be restored to your face and body.

Cover up

Seeing as things like hot water, excessive washing, and cold weather can cause dryness, covering up is a smart option when exposing your skin to the elements. For example, when washing dishes or working with harsh chemicals, wearing gloves can protect your skin. Similarly, if you live in a particularly harsh climate, you can protect your face and body when braving the outdoors with scarves, gloves, masks, and the like.

Picking products for dry skin

Moody Sisters’ Radiant Natural Body Lotion is packed full of skin soothing ingredients to help heal even the driest of skin. Hydrating aloe, coconut oil, jojoba, and rose water are combined to create a moisture-rich lather you’ll love. Radiant Natural Body Lotion scents include Eucalyptus Mint, Lemon Lavender, Lemon Grapefruit, and Marionberry - so there’s something to suit every preference. Apply generously after your shower for best results. This all-natural moisturizer is safe for both the body and face.

Moody Sisters products satisfy your skin

Trusted skin care products that are genuinely healthy and nourishing to the skin are not always easy to find. Thankfully, the team at Moody Sisters has developed an entire range of luxury skin care that’s all-natural, derived from earth’s own ingredients, and more effective than other products packed full of chemicals. Whether it’s your body, face, feet, or even your hair, Moody Sisters has something you’re certain to love.

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